Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I'm in a weird writing mood...

If you would have asked me a few years ago what I would be doing with my life in 2013, I probably wouldn't have had an idea. Sometimes life goes by and it's the same. Nothing changes. Sometimes you don't want it to to change,  whether it be good or bad, because it is "normal." I guess we get used to complacency.

I would have been ok with complacency.

But life takes you on an adventure sometimes and you just have to say, "ok, let's do this."

My adventure has seen its ups and downs, complete happiness and utter sadness.

But there is no way I would have ever guessed I would be where I am today. I didn't intend on change. Change happens  to you and you accept it. You can always evaluate and reject it, but give it a chance.

Why not welcome change and see where it will take you? Just for a little while. Like a free sample of a better, or just different, life.

I am 100 percent a different person than I was a few years ago. It may be bad, it may be good, it doesn't matter. I'm okay with it. I am embracing it. I am enjoying the happiness that something different can bring.

Life keeps on changing. Do I see my current life staying for the next 5 years? No. Do I want it? No.

Theres nothing wrong with doing what you want. It's okay not knowing what you want. You can't always get what you want anyways.