Friday, October 28, 2011

On the up and up

Yesterday I ran 7.5 miles. That's the longest I have ran at one time. I think my previous record was 6.2 miles from a couple 10Ks. I had to pee so bad by mile 4 that I had to find a spot to squat on the river trail. Almost exposed myself to a biker, oops.

Next year I will run a half marathon.

Today I hurt. Two days to re-cooperate before my 5k through Hell!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Be who you are

Don't compromise who you are for someone else, you'll start believing all the wrong things about yourself. One day you'll wake up not knowing where 'you' went. I'm not saying you should never change. Change is good, change is growing into a better person. You shouldn't change who you are if it goes against your beliefs and morals as a person. Don't change for anyone but yourself. If they don't like you for who you are, they probably won't like you for who they want you to be either.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Every teardrop is a waterfall

I have been listening to Coldplay tonight as I re-calculate how many miles I have left to run to make my goal for the year. As of today, I have ran 204.61 miles this year. That leaves 160.39 miles to run in 71 days. I have 10 weeks left. I have been running between 15 and 18 miles per week for the past 2 1/2 - 3 months, and I just hope I don't get burnt out before the end of the year.

2.26 miles per day. I can do it!

I need to get a few really long runs in. I just have to find the time. Maybe tomorrow!

A week of daily thoughts

Sunday: Missed opportunities can be small victories.
Monday: You can't be honest with others if you're not honest with yourself first.
Tuesday: You call it persistence, but I call it desperation.
Wednesday: Ignorance leads to complacency.
Thursday: If you feel abandoned, it is only a lesson in humility.
Friday: You have to have the want to change your life, and you need to let God help you.
Saturday: Everybody will let you down at some point or another.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

It's still not too late

Back in January I made a goal of running a mile a day in 2011. It seemed realistic at the time, but I had not intended on having chest pain that turned me away from running for a good part of the year. Part of that was laziness, but the other part was the discouragement of not being able to run a mile without my chest hurting.

So far this year, I have totaled 156.18 miles, 96.5 of those being in the past two months.There are 91 days left in the year, so I would have to run just over 200 miles in 3 months. I have to run 2.3 miles per day, or 16 miles a week. If I continue to run like I ran in September I can achieve my goal. Let's see if I can do it!