Saturday, October 08, 2005

Letter from Mom

i just have to put this in here because i thought it was really funny.

first, here's some background info. i left my calculator at home a couple weeks ago, and since i really wasn't planning on going home for awhile i asked my mom if she could send it to me. so, tuesday i receiced a small box with my calculator and a pan of rice krispie treats cut into squares and neatly arranged into four ziplock bags. i really am not the biggest fan of rice krispie treats, especially my mom's because there are rarely enough marshmallows in them. and taped to the box was an envelope with a letter inside. here's what the letter said...

Sorry I took so long to send your calculator. I thought you might like some rice krispie treats as a consolation. Stephen would like the box back, so please keep it for him. I hope your week goes well. I found some of your clothes when i cleaned the laundry room. Your khakis with the orange pocket flaps, a navy sports bra, socks and underwear. You aren't going to need them soon are you? I put them in your room. Love Ya,

ha ha ha, what a great letter.

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