Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Neogen has a safety glasses policy. The policy is that when you are in the lab you need to wear safety glasses. Now, these could be those lab goggles required for chem labs, safety glasses you would wear in a manufacturing environment, or plain old prescription eyeglasses. Some people have it lucky and can just wear their glasses as they normally do, so the policy doesn't really apply to them. I would go get some, but I don't have vision insurance... It's the one thing Neogen doesn't provide ironicly. So, I'm stuck wearing safety glasses 8 hours a day. Now, there are penalties for not wearing the glasses including forced time off work (sounds good to me) and something in your permanent record.

Today, I put my eyes at jeopardy. My eyes were vulnerable to all conditions in that lab for eight hours. I decided not to wear my safety glasses. It was a fun day. I didn't get those red marks on my nose, and I didn't have to forget to take them off and look stupid while I'm eating lunch.

No one said anything about me not wearing glasses at all that day, and I gained a sense of pride. It was a good day.

1 comment:

rightbrainedamoeba said...

you rebel! :) hehe. what do you think about the west side?

our internet is out, so txt me... :) like, by out, i mean we cant get emails at school from other people i guess. weird.

and lame.

but it's out like in the whole county or something.
except for at the navajo's chapter house.
so i am trying to put pix up on the fb.