Sunday, July 03, 2011

Oreo Softballs

A few months ago, I brought some Oreo Balls into work. Everybody loves them, so I try to make them on occasion. Plus, everybody is amazed at how simple they actually are. I was talking to a co-worker last time I made them and he came up with a great idea. He then proceeded to send me an Outlook invitation to make "Oreo Softball Thingies." Good thing he did that, or we wouldn't have had Oreo balls that looked like softballs at out Neogen/Hooker softball game Thursday night. I even made a double batch and brought some to our dinner on Wednesday night.

I don't remember where I originally got the recipe from. It's been such a long time, and I never actually had a physical recipe. It's not hard to remember the two basic ingredients.

Oreo Balls

1 (16 oz) package Oreo Cookies
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese
White chocolate for coating

Crush the Oreos in a food processor until you have a fine crumb. Mix in the cream cheese and form into a dough. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Roll dough into 1 inch balls (I usually get 50-60 balls per batch). Place the balls on wax paper and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to chill.

Now comes the fun part. You can make these Oreo Balls look like anything you want. Personally I like them dipped in semi-sweet chocolate, but most people prefer white chocolate. I have also tried rolling them in cocoa powder. Nuts or extra oreo crumbs would work too, but I have not tried them.

I dipped them in white chocolate and let them set. Because it was already midnight, and I have to be to work at 7, I cheated on the red stitching lines. I just used one of those Betty Crocker frosting pouches with the decorating tip. It worked out pretty well considering my artistic abilities are quite limited.
Here's the end product:

I brought them to the softball game, and everyone enjoyed them. We even won our game!

1 comment:

cmkois said...

YUMMY! I want some right now.